“DANCE MOMS” Promotes Child Exploitation and Pedophilia!

By David J. Stewart | January 2012

Leviticus 19:29, “Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.”

You are listening to an MP3 sermon clip by Pastor Danny Castle from the needful sermon titled, “The World in 2012.” | VIDEO

1st Peter 2:11 and Jude:1:19, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul ... These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”

       Increasingly, Americans are becoming sex-sickos! The LIFETIME TV channel is the most evil thing ever contrived by the wicked. LIFETIME started a pedophile dance program for 7 year old girls in July of 2011.

Dance Moms is an American reality television series that debuted on the Lifetime TV network on July 13, 2011. Created by Collins Avenue Productions, it is set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Abby Lee Dance Company, and follows children's early careers in dance show business along with their mothers, who support them. Dance Moms has been renewed for a second season that aired January 10, 2012 on Lifetime.

SOURCE: Dance Moms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sick program exploits little girls, some only 7 years old, painting them up like prostitutes and teaching then to dance like professional strippers on stage. No wonder child rape and sexual crimes are on the rise in America (and they're guaranteed to continue, jut as the globalist elite, the architects behind the NWO intended). Behind the love of money that drives this wickedness, there is a sinister agenda to undermine and destroy America's families and churches.

Above: A 7-year-old girl dancing seductively for the audience on 'DANCE MOMS.' These wicked mothers are no better than Lot who offered up his own innocent daughters for the sinful world to “do ye to them as is good in your eyes” (Genesis 19:8). Woe unto America!

It's unimaginable that any mother and father would want this for their daughter's future. I had to block out their crotches due to the lewdness. Public nakedness is a sin!

I originally posted photos that were more racy, but the Lord convicted me about it and it edited them to look like this. We've gotten so used to public nudity in America that it's no big deal anymore (even to most Christians) if women are immodestly clothed. It is a big deal to God! (1st Timothy 2:9).

I've heard preachers preach for decades that sexual deviates wouldn't stop at adultery and homosexuality, but that they'd progress into pedophilia. It is now becoming clear how they're going about it, that is, through such shows as the new DANCE MOMS. And so it is already happening in America! Pedophilia is running rampant across the nation and wealthy Americans account for 25% of all child-sex tourism internationally[1]. According to a study released in December of 2010 by the Parents Television Council (PTC): Hollywood is shockingly obsessed with sexualizing teen girls, to the point where underage female characters are shown participating in an even higher percentage of sexual situations than their adult counterparts: 47 percent to 29 percent respectively”

Now they're exploiting minors for the sexual gratification of perverts everywhere and large network profits. The American public can't get enough debauchery and perversion! More, more, give us more the ratings show! When you watch garbage on television, your TV registers as one signal my friend. You are a part of the problem. Television producers know that sin sells... sex sells. The networks can measure how many people are tuning-in or tuning-out by the signals received. Although no one would ever narrow out your seemingly insignificant television signal, you can be assured that God sees exactly what Christians are watching.

And now the Jewish-pedophile ring in Hollywood is broadcasting one of the most despicable TV shows ever contrived, called “DANCE MOMS,” which allures lasciviousness Americans to lust upon these little beauties in their 101 dancing positions. It is completely sexual in nature and any fool knows it!!! The season of sin has just begun and Satan is very pleased! It's a pedophile's dream come true on television. My opinion is that shows like “DANCE MOMS” are gimmicks, contrived by Hollywood executives, staging mothers fighting with each other to keep the show interesting. It's made for television... all for the purpose of continuing the demonic sexual attack against marriages and the home. The love of money is the root of all evil. To parade these little girls in their underwear on national TV is the height of evil.

The following images were captured from an ABC NEWS YouTube clip. You can capture any image from a moving video by simply pressing the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard.

Dance Moms teaches little girls to be professional whores, wearing make-up like Tammy Faye Bakker, and dancing in their underwear. The following captured images are from ABC NEWS (as evidenced by their logo at the bottom right)!!! This is so wicked. Fifty years ago Elvis Presley was banned from showing his gyrating hips on the Ed Sullivan Show (which has become the Late Night Show With David Letterman).

Now this is what we have today on regular non-paid TV...

Straight from the Pits of Hell

God help us! God help us!!! What are you doing America? These are our children! The girl's dance-drill-sergeant-coach is an obese, obnoxious, woman (I think she's a woman) who's a mean monster. She yells at the girls and makes them cry, threatening to take away their 'national title.' Her name is Abby Lee Miller. Here's an image of one of the girls running to her mama after being yelled at by Abby ...

Here's the battle-axe cow again! Abby yells at the girls, saying they must be “pushed hard” if they're going to make it big in Las Vegas. Here Abby punches her fists together near the face of one of the girl's mother. There's plenty of bleeping to block out curse words in front of the children. Abby is a mean ole hateful witch, making the 8 and 9 year old girls cry, screaming at them, telling them how terrible they are! Idiot mothers go along with this trash...

Below we have insane, moronic, parents lining up outside of Abby's Studio to have their daughters turned into prostitutes for the pedophile TV network executives, to make them hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars and continue the Communist subversion of our country. These are some of the stupidest parents in the world...

The show features parents cursing at Abby, bleeping out the F___ word. I guarantee you that idiotic mothers will start abusing their children like Abby does, yelling at them and pushing them around so they can become the next Madonna.  Kids don't stand a moral chance these days.

You are not right with God if you watch this trash and allow your kids to watch this trash. This is soft pornography. The girls are called “pint sized divas” in the video. They're little hussies in training, preparing for the strip clubs. That's where most dancers end up to start their career, hugging a strip pole til wee hours of the morning. It's a sad day in the United States!

Instead of playing with dolls and baking cookies at that age, these poor girls are gyrating their crotch for the world to see. American society has deteriorated to something much worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. The average aerobics class these days is a whore show. Women dress whorishly and let it all hang out, bending over for every man to lust upon. We've lost respect the sacredness of the human body in America. Women have become nude, lewd, rude and crude.

Below: This pornographic image was so lewd that I had to block the girl's crotch area. It was too revealing. She might as well be naked. This is child pornography! DANCE MOMS is evil to the core and its producers, Abby, and the mothers should all be in jail. Notice that ABC newsmedia sticks the camera right in her private area...

Remember, this is regular TV, not paid cable or Hell-Time.

What is wrong with people? Do you realize that the public would have been outraged 50-years ago! Today, such evil shows are becoming increasingly popular because of the high-ratings and public silence from God's children. Are there any Christians left in America?

Someone needs to cry aloud against the evils in Hollywood. Many parents don't see the demonic nature of shows like DANCE MOMS; but if you only understood that sexually-deviate homosexual and pedophiles are at work in Hollywood to corrupt your child, you'd be shocked and angry!!! This one show, DANCE MOMS will produce MILLIONS of little girls who want to be prostitute dancers, dressing like dancers around a strip-club pole. They're lifting their legs, opening their crotch, gyrating to the music... the only thing missing is the pole!!!

Colossians 3:5-6, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.”

I used the “Print Screen” key to capture the image below. I learned in Microsoft Paint that if you use your mouse to drag a box around part of an image and then save, it will just save the outline you dragged. Pretty neat huh?

Anyway, the below image was captured from MyLifeTime.com, a really horrible website for women that promotes demonic astrology, immodest clothing, dirty sensual dancing and worldliness of all sorts. Look at how manly Abby appears in the photo. She's a real she-man! She's obese, obnoxious and disobedient to God. She looks ready to fight Rocky Balboa is a few rounds of boxing. I'm betting on Abby to win! Look at those muscles! Seriously, what a sad testimony! This is the last thing that God wants women to become... manly, brute, tough, rugged, mean, harsh, decisive, cold, et cetera!

This is what the New World Order globalists want America's women to become... bossy obese jerks!

I doesn't look like Abby can dance!

Genesis 19:8, "Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof."

DANCE MOMS ought to be called DUMB MOMS, because any mama who pays to have her child taught to strut around like a prostitute in her underwear isn't right with the God of the Bible. God hates sin. God hates public nudity, as evidenced when Moses returned and the Israelites were all naked, DANCING around a golden calf. When they chose to worship another god, a false god, then nakedness and whoredom followed. Abby is pathetic! This is feminist rebellion!

What if someone took the Bible and yelled at children like this? CPS would remove the children from the mothers. Society would not stand for anyone yelling at children to learn the Bible. But nobody says anything if 8 and 9 year old girls are pushed to dance like whores. What if a church jerked kids aside like that and yelled at them in anger like Abby does? The newsmedia would label them as a crazy cult immediately. This is the wicked world in 2012. People can teach little girls to be prostitutes and sluts, but don't you dare teach them the Words of God.

These little girls are being forced to become professional prostitutes, wearing caked-on make-up like Tammy Faye Bakker.

1st Peter 2:11 and Jude:1:19, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul ... These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”

The Demon-Possessed Maniac of Gadarenes

Luke 8:27 and 35, “And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs... Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.”

What a precious passage of Scripture! This afflicted man was possessed by devils, running around naked and living in the wild. The entire city knew he was insane. Yet the Bible says when he found Jesus, he came into his right mind and put his clothes back on. Amen! Jesus is the cure for insanity and nudity.

Millions of Americans go to psychologists, psychiatrists and religious leaders for help; but the Word of God says the afflicted man at Gadarenes came into his RIGHT MIND when he found Jesus. It is interesting that being in one's “right mind” is associated with being properly clothed. Americans have a problem keeping their clothes on because they AREN'T in their right minds, they are mentally-ill. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that nearly half of the women in America have murdered a child by abortion. Only a mentally-ill person would deliberately kill a precious child. So it doesn't surprise me in a rotten society that devours it's own children that they would also have a problem with nudity.

HBO Portrays Children Performing Oral Sex

'Dance Moms' is produced by a Time Warner subsidiary company. To no surprise, Time Warner also owns the degenerate cable show, HBO, is premiering a new sitcom called "ANGRY BOYS,' featuring 5 and 6 years old little girls engaging in simulated sex acts with giant sex organ toys...

Can you believe HBO finds this funny?
Audiences shocked by jokes described as 'child pornography'

Cable network HBO has often portrayed programming too “mature” for the broadcast airwaves, but its latest offering has some critics complaining the company has gone too far.

HBO’s irreverent mockumentary “Angry Boys” is under fire for combining child actors and phallic humor, including one scene in the series’ 12th episode, where a little girl drinks from a water bottle shaped like a giant, pink penis.

“The incident is meant to be comedic,” writes Joe Wilson of the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute, or MRC. “But showing a young girl sucking on a penis in a comedic fashion is akin to showing child pornography.”

He continues in an MRC article on the show, “Penis humor is a major premise of ‘Angry Boys.’ Out Magazine reported that the show features a Japanese mother exploiting her teenage son ‘to create a merchandising empire of cock-shaped products.’ In one episode, according to Out Magazine, the mother (played by a male, the creator and director of the show, Chris Lilley) unscrewed a pink plastic penis and shook it [for] parmesan cheese.”

“It’s difficult to imagine that HBO would go any lower,” the MRC’s Dan Gainor told RadarOnline.com. “Oral sex ‘humor’ involving a young child shows precisely where the left’s mind is really at.”

Gainor links the network to “the left,” in part, because of the network’s only talk show, “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

“After all, it’s already the Bill Maher network,” Gainor said, “with all his sleaze and hatred of conservatives.”

“Angry Boys” is a co-production between HBO, the BBC and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the brainchild of Australian writer, performer and star of the show Chris Lilley.

The Los Angeles Times describes the show this way: “Even in the era of ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ and ‘South Park,’ ‘Angry Boys’ manages to shock. Between S.mouse, a role that Lilley portrays while wearing a thick layer of brown makeup and a kinky black wig, and Jen Okazaki, a sort of Tiger Mother on crack, Lilley clearly gets a kick out of breaking racial taboos.” ...

SOURCE: WND | Can you believe HBO finds this funny?

Destroying Innocence: Sexualization of Children by HBO

This is predatory and unnatural, a total assault on humanity. Time Warner is of the Devil, hosting pedophile shows like 'ANGRY BOYS' by HBO. It's unthinkable. Tragically, 29,000,000 Americans subscribe to 2012 as of 2012. HBO is transmitted into 150 countries worldwide. Such activity is illegal and should be prosecuted. Children are at risk by HBO's sick jokes. Time Warner's evil has made them filthy rich, and they're about as rich as filth. God has every reason to curse this wicked country! God has given us the treasonous leaders that we deserve, deceiving and being deceived. America is a rotting corpse of the old republic. The bankers are eating our flesh. Rigor mortis has set in.

The Cure for Nudity is Jesus! 

Women who love and respect the Lord won't wear bikinis at the beach, or wear miniskirts, or wear pants, or pose in Playboy. There's not an honest normal man alive who doesn't know what's wrong with women wearing pants—they are extremely revealing of a woman's flesh.

We are living in evil times, when unrepentant sinners are trying to justify every sin imaginable with the Bible. I heard a woman on the news, a professional pornographic model, claim that God approved of her vile career. She said that God created Adam and Eve naked, so nudity must be ok. Evidently she's never read Genesis 3:7 or 1st Timothy 2:9.

Here's a Scripture for all you women who keep trying to justify your nudity and immodest clothing ... “Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?” (Malachi 2:17). Beyonce Knowles claims to be a devout Christian; yet says she has permission from God to wear sexy clothes and strip on stage. She is woefully wrong! Beyonce needs to see Jesus.

Destroying Innocence: Sexualization of Children by HBO (Time Warner exploits kids)

Attorney General's Commission on Pornography

"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible." —Isaiah 13:11


"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10